Time-saving POS enhancement

Tender the transaction with a single button

QuickTender for Dynamics RMS implements a useful function found in many electronic cash registers and other POS programs: it allows the cashier to quickly enter payment made by one standard banknote (of $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100 value) without typing in the amount.

The custom buttons with the banknote's picture and nominal value are lined up on the right hand panel, along with other custom buttons.

The custom buttons are automatically created using QuickTender Administrtor 

A single click on a banknote button results in automatic cash tendering; the transaction is processed and the cashier immediately sees the change screen. The program saves three or more keystrokes which increases the speed of processing cash transactions.

The program will work very well with a touch screen and Catalog View for Dynamics RMS - an addon designed to be used in "quick cash payment" environmnets such as snack bars, coffee shops and fast food venues.

Quick Tender Gallery



